Sunday, August 03, 2008

This was an interesting article on deficiecny judgments in Florida.

Deficiency Judgments in Florida on Foreclosures.

Let's define deficiency judgment.

A deficiency judgment is a judgment lien against a debtor, defendant or borrower whose foreclosure sale did not produce sufficient funds to pay the mortgage in full. This option may or may not be available to the lender, depending on whether they have made a recourse or nonrecourse loan.

Now we are going to review the deficiency judgment research that is available on the internet with regards to foreclosure, judgment (incidentally some spell judgment as "judgement" but it is really spelled judgment and not judgement), and deficiency judgments as they pertain to foreclosure shortfalls.

Deficiency Judgment and foreclosure-realted articles will be posted soon. I've been looking into Florida Deficieny Judgments on florida mortgage loans.

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